
Various Tips For Special Skin Care For Diabetics

Diabetes can dry your skin, which means you can easily get hurt, become infected, and need more time to heal. Follow the tips to care for your skin and keep it healthy.

Effects of diabetes on the skin

Diabetes can affect the health of your skin. Lack of moisture can cause the skin to dry out and crack. It is very important to dry your legs and face after bathing or swimming.

You can use Vaseline or moisturizer. However, be careful of moisturizers that do not dry out because they still remain between the skin folds or cause an infection. Why can it be an infection?

People with diabetes may be more susceptible to ulcers, infections of the hair follicles (folliculitis), wounds and nail infections. Diabetics are at high risk for bacterial infections, including staphylococci (staphylococci), compared to the general population.

Warm and moist skin folds are sensitive to fungal infections. This type of infection most likely occurs between the fingers and toes, the groin, the armpits, or the corners of the mouth. Symptoms include redness, blistering and itching.

In short, the condition of this infection is rare, unless the death of nerve cells and the interruption of blood flow under the skin surface are the result. Skin infections can occur in any part of the body, but are more common in the legs. Usually, this condition disappears when your blood sugar level is under control.

Treatment of the skin of diabetics

1. Protect yourself from extreme weather

In Indonesia, warm weather can sting and damage the skin. If you want to protect the skin of your diabetics from extreme weather conditions (hot and cold), do not forget to wear clothes that cover your hands, feet and hats. You can also follow the following instructions:

  • Use lip balm to avoid chapped lips. To prevent dry skin from falling temperatures, use a room humidifier to heat the air in the room with moisture.
  • When showering, use warm water (no heat) and a moisturizing soap that contains light ingredients for the skin.
  • Do not take a long bath.
  • Dab the skin dry - do not rub.
  • After bathing and drying the body, use a mild moisturizer to prevent dry skin.
  • Avoid scratches on the dry skin. Apply better, apply moisturizer like aloe gel, which is cool on the skin
  • If you are prone to acne, talk to your dermatologist before choosing face creams. Some may cause or aggravate acne.
  • Use products marked "non-comedogenic" or "non-acne" to treat the skin of diabetics, especially on the face

2. Make first aid to your skin

To treat the skin of diabetics, you must always be vigilant to help with skin problems. You must keep first aid equipment near hands and feet. Included in first aid are:

  • antibacterial ointment
  • gauze
  • hypoallergenic gypsum
  • Wet wipe cleaner (not available in preparation as soap and water)

3. How do you treat blister diabetic skin?

Do not try to squeeze the wound. The skin that covers the bladder with fluid protects against infection. Carefully clean the part with soap and warm water.

Apply an antibacterial ointment to the blisters. Cover with a cloth or gauze bandage. Protect with hypoallergenic patch. Switch at least once a day. When the bubbles are on your feet and come out of your shoes, you heal other shoes.

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