
Mesothelioma | Treatment and Prevention

Mesothelioma | Treatment and Prevention

Mesothelioma Treatment

Mesothelioma is a cancer that is rare and has not been cured before. The treatment is carried out to control or reduce the symptoms and to increase the life chances of the patient. Treatment steps are generally determined by various factors, namely:
  • Age and general health of the patient.
  • Type and location of the mesothelioma.
  • Stage or spread of cancer cells in the body.
  • Size of the mesothelioma
Based on the above considerations, there are several treatment steps that can be recommended by doctors, namely:

Mesothelioma Treatment
  • Chemotherapy, therapeutic treatment with anti-cancer agents to destroy or inhibit the growth of cancer cells that can not be removed surgically. Chemotherapy can be performed before or after surgery to reduce the size of the tumor, facilitate removal of the tumor and reduce the risk of recurrence of cancer.
  • Radiotherapy (radiotherapy), therapeutic treatment with X-rays and proton beams, aimed at specific parts of the body. Radiotherapy is usually performed after the patient has undergone surgery to remove the remaining cancer cells. This treatment therapy also serves to reduce the symptoms of advanced cancers when surgery is not possible.
  • Operation. The operation is performed when the mesothelioma is still at an early stage. There are several choices that the doctor can make during the operation. Below are:
      - Removal of cancer cells from the patient's body as much as possible. This measure can help in the treatment of patients with radiation therapy to reduce pain and inhibit the growth of cancer.

      - Ingestion of fluid due to accumulation of fluid in the chest, which can affect breathing. This is done by inserting a catheter tube into the breast to absorb the liquid. Doctors can also inject medication to glue the pleural cavity to prevent the liquid from building up. This action is called pleurodesis

      - Removal of tissue in the abdomen, in the ribs or in the lungs, which are affected by cancer cells.

      - Removal of affected lung organs and the surrounding tissue. This process is usually followed by radiotherapy.
  • Multimodality. This therapy is a combination of three or more treatment steps, such as. Surgery, postoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy to increase the success of the treatment.
  • Research phase The doctor will inform the patient about the treatment methods that are still in the research phase. However, the possibility of recovering a patient is not known with certainty and must therefore be carefully considered. On the other hand, this treatment may increase the likelihood that doctors will learn more about the treatment of mesothelioma. There are different treatment methods that are still in the research phase and that can be performed by patients, namely:
      - Biological therapy - use of the immune system of the patient to fight cancer, also called immunotherapy.

      - Gene therapy - changes the genes in cancer cells to stop this disease.

      - Target therapy - Use medication to combat abnormalities in cancer cells.
  • Supporting Treatment. This treatment can help patients control the signs and symptoms of mesothelioma, such as:
      - Breathing exercises to control breathing when the patient experiences symptoms of breathlessness.
      - Relaxation exercises to relax the respiratory muscles so that patients can breathe more easily.

Mesothelioma Treatment

Prevention of mesothelioma

The most important preventive measure of mesothelioma is to avoid contact with anything that contains asbestos. If you work in an environment with a lot of risks and asbestos, follow the safety regulations of the company. Below are:

Prevention of mesothelioma
  • Use personal protective equipment if you are in a working environment that is sensitive to asbestos.
  • Keep the remaining asbestos material in a safe place and do not endanger the environment.
  • Do not bring clothing and shoes that you use at work
In addition, various measures can be taken to reduce the risk of mesothelioma:
  • Perform routine health checks to detect symptoms or signs of asbestos-related diseases.
  • Stop smoking. Cigarettes do not cause direct mesothelioma, but cigarettes are a trigger and can increase the risk of various forms of cancer, including mesothelioma.
  • Learn and follow the instructions for handling safe asbestos in the area. Do not move asbestos-containing material sloppily.

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